by Flossie | Mar 26, 2011 | Good Patient Relations, Marketing, Staff Management, Uncategorized
Everyone on your staff should add to the energy and productivity of the office. The team needs to work together positively to make patients feel like they had the best treatment possible in your office. Coach staff members who drag others down to have them improve...
by Flossie | Mar 26, 2011 | Marketing, Staff Management, Transitioning To A Group Practice, Treatment Planning
You can create a recession mentality in your practice by listening to the news or talking with others who complain constantly about their slow business. Refuse to participate!! Dentistry is not optional! Dentistry improves the life of your patients! Sincerely explain...
by Flossie | Feb 10, 2011 | Dental Practice Systems, Good Patient Relations, Marketing, Staff Management, Treatment Planning
I just spoke to a dentist who only charged out an exam once a year. How foolish! Dental insurance carriers pay for two examinations per year because it is cost effective for them! Small lesions diagnosed early mean smaller payouts for them. It is the same for your...