Your Patients Are Counting On You!

A funny thing happened to me yesterday.  I was on my way to a card game with my friend, Sue, who I have known since elementary school.  She told me how mad she was at her dental office.   She had a problem with a tooth so she made an appointment with...

Find Acres of Diamonds in Your Own Backyard

So many of my clients desperately want to have more production from their dental practices, but what they do not realize is that the answer is right in the office.  You already have a flow of patients every day, every hour in your office. I call the answer “Same...

Same Day Dentistry

Starting up a new year is always exciting.  After all, we never know what that new year will bring.  Financial success or stress.  Good health or challenges.  Employee stability or strain. But there is one thing that I learned years ago, that...

Become the Preventative Dentist

One wonderful service that you can offer to your patients is the application of fluoride varnish not just for children, but for adults too. Years ago I can recall the consumer advocate, Ralph Nader, say, “If your dentist does not spend as much time helping you to take...